Friday, 28 September 2012

Goodbye GAM Horizon, Hello GAM Select

I skated for the very last time in my first real figure skates - GAM Horizon.

GAM Horizon: 2012 Jan - 2012 Sep

They lasted for nine months, which I was not expecting. All of a sudden I had to get new skates. They aren't really all that bad, they're hardly even dirty yet. It's that big crease at the ankle on the right foot (my jump landing foot), and the fact that they are only stiffness rating 25 that's the problem. I was starting to wobble occasionally on landing and had to always tighten the laces really tight, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do things like loop jumps. So it was time for new skates.

Had a very bad time deciding whether to get Jackson Freestyle or Jackson Premiere. Got lots of advice from the nice people at skatingforums, some for and some against. There were a few people who seemed to be around the same level as me who were in Premieres, so it seemed alright at the beginning to get something so stiff. Also the pro shop guy thinks at the rate I'm skating at, I'll break down the Freestyles in another nine months, so at first, I was really leaning towards the Premieres. But in the end I still went with the Freestyle level, reasons being:
1. I asked coach J what she would recommend had I not said I'd like my new skates to last for a while. She said considering my abilities now and where she thinks I'll be in a year, the Freestyles.
2. Even though apparently, coach J thinks I jump pretty high (yay!), she thinks that the skates should be able to last at least  a year. Hopefully she's right and the pro shop guy is proved wrong!
3. I'm getting new blades too, going from a Mark IV to an Ultima Legacy with scary toe picks. I feel like there's going to be enough to adjust to with blades, I should take it easy with the boots.
4. Even though a few others have Premieres, I think I'm the only one who's jumping from something so low level as the GAM Horizon up to Premiere. That's what worries me, is that the change will be too much. (Stiffness rating from 25 all the way to 65!)
5. I'll get to keep the Ultima Legacy blades whenever the new boots die (when I will probably get the Premiere), so overall, I'll have spent an extra $220, but for a lot more comfort and hopefully more progress for a year. That's not too bad.

So anyway, Premieres are postponed to the future boot. Right now, I got the GAM Select, which is the GAM equivalent of a Jackson Freestyle. The pro shop did not have Freestyle in my size in stock, and I had GAMs to start with which fit me very well, so why not stick with it.

I deliberated between Ultima Legacy blades and Ultima Matrix Legacy blades for a bit too, but in the end decided that the extra $80 was not worth it. Also saves me the dilemma of deciding whether or not I want pink blades! Plus the pro shop had Legacy blades in stock but not the Matrix Legacy blades and I didn't want to wait any longer. First time I've seen cross-cut toe picks up close, they're really cool!

So here it is - my brand new skates. Second pair as a figure skater.

GAM Select with Ultima Legacy blades: 2012 Oct - ?

I'll be skating in them starting tonight. Can't wait!


  1. Sound points, all! I think you did a smart thing by asking what the best think was for your skating, not necessarily your pocketbook. Sadly so much in skating is dictated by finances, since the costs add up so quickly, and so high. But if you can stand to make decisions based on your ability/learning process over your need for the skates to last, it seems like good logic.

    I'll have to consider those issues as well -- maybe spend more on the blade and go for a less stiff boot, like you. I'm not there yet, but I probably will have to look into it before the end of the year. I'm lacing pretty tightly right now, and after I'm done skating my ankles have these deep indentations in them. They don't hurt and they go away after a day, but I feel like it's probably not a great trait in your boots.

    Anyway, thanks for the detailed report! It's really helpful to be thinking of those things ahead of time. :)

    1. If you're lacing so tight that it leaves indentations on your ankles for a day, I feel like you're in need of new boots pretty soon!!
      I skated in my new skates today and the boot doesn't feel stiff at all (supportive yes, too stiff, no). I'm thinking that if I had gotten the Premiere it might not have been too bad. But I guess I'll never know lol. You're going from as basic a skate as I am, I think? It will be one tough decision! I can tell you 100% though that the Ultima Legacy blades are awesome. (If you're feeling like being nice to yourself you might even get the Ultima Matrix Legacy blades!)
