Saturday, 25 August 2012

Backspin v.2

Backspins have progressed from only 0.5 revolutions (how can I even count that as spinning?) to 2 revolutions!!

Assist. coach A had first shown me the backspin from a back pivot, and saying that the left foot has to be crossed for a backspin. I could not do that at all. I love coach A and she's helped me heaps during group lessons, but the backspin education was not helping. Good thing coach C came and helped me this time in group lesson, realized I had major trouble doing any form of backspin, and told me to just start from a two-foot spin, shift weight to the right side, and pick up my left foot. Voila! There was my backspin v.2! Something that actually can be called a backspin, and my highest record after many, many tries was two revolutions. Good enough for now.

Working on sit spins too, but I always seem to have my body centered too much on the right, and not over the blade. So I end up very deep on the inside edge and keep drawing large-pizza-sized (probably even larger) circles on the ice instead of biscuit sized circles aka real spinning. Also, a few of the "better" ones (= lower) always seem to end up with me sitting on the ice lol. Trying to do camel spins as well, but right now they just look like I'm trying to do really bad spirals in a circle. I have a looooong way to go with these still.

I've completely lost the Lutz. So much for all that jubilation two weeks ago : ( I can do something that resembles a Lutz, I'm sure anyone watching will be able to tell that I'm trying to do a Lutz, but I just can't get the timing or the rotation in the air right any more. What's worse is that I'm just scared to do it! I'm so annoyed with myself. What's there to be scared of really?


  1. Ah, we have similar spinning issues! I'm struggling with the backspin with the left crossed foot too, although I can do it from a change-foot. Not totally WELL, but I can manage a couple revolutions. Whereas that crossed foot thing is super shaky.

    Right now I have no desire to practice sit spins, although yes, that means they don't improve, and then I don't want to practice them even more! Instead I'm working on camel, which is so much more fun.

    I'm sure you'll get your lutz back! I keep hearing that this happens a lot - you learn a new skill, then shortly thereafter lose it, then get it back. It hasn't happened to me yet (because I'm not advanced enough to lose jumps, haha) but I hope that when that happens, I'll try not to be so frustrated about it.

    1. I'm really scared of crossing my foot! Even on the forward scratch spin I get terrified and often bail out before I completely finish the scratch spin. I wouldn't call my backspin a change-foot yet though, that sounds very advanced lol. I'm just going from a two-foot to a backspin.

      I find sit spins pretty fun! And safer too, since if I fall, I'm already close to the ground for anything to hurt. Camel spins are the scary ones which I don't want to practice. But I really want to be able to do them, so I need to practice!
