Monday, 14 January 2013

2013 resolutions

Well, at the top of my list for my new year resolutions, is that I will strive to be less lazy. Judging from the few times I have skated up to now and the fact that I'm posting my "new year" resolutions in the middle of January, it's not working out very well. Still, here is my list of skating resolutions for 2013:

Be less lazy!
- Wake up earlier so I can get to my morning private lesson 10-15 minutes before instead of barely on time so I can actually warm up.
- Practice at morning freestyle besides lesson day, more than just "occasionally"
- Stretch more for better flexibility
- Do core strength exercises - planks & sit-ups

Perform at rink recital
Do one competition at pre-bronze
Pass bronze MITF
Pass bronze FS (This seems unlikely for the end of the year. Probably early next year)

Very good loop jumps - my favourite jump!
Consistent flip jumps
Consistent lutz jumps
Start working on axels
Good scratch spin (first I need to stop being afraid of it)
Good sit spin
Good camel spin
Good back spin
More height and extension on spiral

I've discussed a little with coach J what our plan is for the year, and it seems like it will be:
Rink recital - beginning of March
Some competition - between March and September
*Maybe* rink recital again - June
Bronze MITF test - September (test session isn't out yet but there should be one)

So the immediate goal is to work on my first program, for the March rink recital. It's less than two months away and I'm starting to get worried. I hope I can get it together in time!

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