Sunday, 23 December 2012

Goodbye 2012

This is my last post for the year, my first full year of skating. I won't do a 2012-look-back here, since I just did in November on my skating anniversary. But come 2013 and I'll write about my skating resolutions for the new year.

I skated for the last time on the day when the world was supposed to end (again). The ice was sooooooo nice it was like silk, I felt bad skating on it even. I really like practicing those power stroking and power 3-turn moves. I tried out the 5-step mohawk as well even though coach J hasn't taught them to me yet (hope I'm not developing bad habits by myself!)

Waltz jumps felt wonderful. I was really pushing through the ankle and I could feel that extra push right through to the last pick of the toe pick. I wish I could have videoed myself so I can see if it was really as high as I felt, but there were quite a few skaters and I felt too self-conscious. Loop jumps however, felt a little off. I ended up falling more on loop jump tries than actually landing them. My gloves got really wet and freezing cold, and now I have a slight bruise on my trochanter, despite wearing hip pads. I really don't understand how higher level skaters who fall from huge doubles or even triples don't get seriously injured.

Got another unexpected bruise on my left foot toe from working on toe loops. They're less of toe-waltzes now, but I guess the continued picking kept banging the toe on the top of the boot and it bruised. I think I've seen gel pads for toes before and wondered what they're for. Well now I know, and I'm contemplating getting one myself. I hate getting bruises so easily, it makes me feel like I'm fragile, but I want to be strong!

I'll be off-ice for almost two weeks, I hope I don't forget any skills, or lose any muscles!

Happy holidays to everyone, and a happy new year : )


  1. Janie: What brand of crash pads do you use? I've just ordered some of the D3O padded shorts and knee pads from Se_Ku but I've yet to hear from anyone who have tried those. It seems that most skaters use the Ultra Crash gel type pads.

    1. George, I have the Skatingsafe Ultra Crash gel pads as well, for my hip pad and tailbone pad. For my knee pads, they are volleyball knee pads from Mizuno. I play volleyball (have played for a very long time), so I already own those. I don't think I know anyone with the ones you got either, but I hope you like them!

  2. Toe bruises?!? Yikes! I guess that makes sense, but it never occurred to me that that would be an injury I might encounter. Toe loops don't feel that forceful to me but I can see it happening with flips and lutzes.

    Congrats on your first year of skating! Sometimes I feel so slow and plodding and old, but at other times I look back and am amazed at how much I've learned this year.

    1. Me neither. I never understood before why toe gel pads would exist, now I know!
      You've definitely learnt a lot this year! Have a great year 2013!
