Thursday 12 July 2012

Flip + Loop

Oh. My. Gosh!!!!!

I tried for the first time and landed a flip-loop combination! I'm ecstatic right now.

Loops and flips are jumps I learned maybe about a month or two ago.
Their success rate were about 30-40%, and at best, on the good days, I could land them 80% of the time. Flips were much better than loops; loops were my most hated jumps.

But somehow today, I just suddenly got the hang of them! I could land almost all of the loops and flips I tried, and they were also much better than the ones I could do before. Before I'd always come to a standstill when I landed, not graciously gliding backwards in a strong check position. Today, I could keep going! Finally mustering up the courage to have a faster entrance probably helped. So our group lesson assistant coach A told me to try a flip-loop combination. My loops were never stable and I couldn't even do a waltz-loop, let alone a flip-loop, so I was so shocked when I actually landed it on the first try. Apparently coach A found my expression of total surprise very amusing. I managed to pull it off quite a number of times too, so hopefully it wasn't just by luck!

I also had a fleeting moment of one real cross-foot scratch spin! Thanks to one of my fellow adult skater's tip on keeping my foot open so the hip's not jutting out. It really helped!

All in all, this was a happy, happy day. I hope whatever I accomplished today is going to stay with me. I'm so excited and can't wait to get to the rink tomorrow night!

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