Saturday, 8 December 2012

Pre-bronze FS passed!

Yipeee! One more test down!

After running out of time on the test session where I did my pre-bronze MITF, one of the judges was nice enough to come especially for me to take the test. So almost two weeks later, we meet again, but this time, my test is on public session!

It was a Friday afternoon public session. Oh. My. Gosh. There were so many kids. Most of them were below my chest height so I couldn't see them half the time. I was literally shaking in my boots as I did the test, not because of having to do the test elements, but because I was in constant fear of running someone over. I had to go around the center three times before I could finish doing backward crossovers, and my toe loop jump ended up squashed in a corner and I almost lost it. But in the end, everything was fine and I passed with all her comments basically being "Good". I didn't get a video this time, so I don't actually get to see for myself how (not) good I really was : p

I passed, I passed, I passed. YAY!
No more two-foot spins!


  1. Great news! This may be stretching the silver lining, but maybe having a distraction helped you from being nervous about the skills? Of course, I think you would've been just fine in your FS test regardless, so maybe we should just be glad no little bodies were crushed! Or big ones.

    I'm very much looking forward to being able to test the 2-foot spins and waltz 8 and put them behind me. I know I shouldn't shy away from skills if I want to be a good skater overall, but... you know. Meh.

    So what's the next goal? Bronze tests, or will you stay PB for a bit and compete at that level?

    1. Ha ha probably did. I told myself that I should be good and still practice those edges, but I don't think I want to do waltz 8's again!
      As for what's next, I don't really know yet. I think we'll just work on whatever I'm currently working on, I have a whole bunch of things I want to learn to do, like back spins, twizzles, Ina Bauers. In terms of a specific goal, I think that would be the next rink recital. Coach said it's probably not a good idea to do Adult Sectionals without any prior experience at performing, so I won't be doing that.
