I didn't get the judges comments for my MITF test until much later, so here they are as a record:
(For those who're coming over from skatingforums, yes, this is the exact same thing)
Forward perimeter stroking
1. Good flow and smooth crossovers. Could use more extension on long edges.
2. Good flow, could use more extension - nice glide on strokes. Crossovers tentative
3. Good beginning knee bend on crossovers - push through with all strokes. Good flow - keep working towards extension.
Basic consecutive edges
Forward outside edges
1. Good steady curves
2. Good
3. Nice lobe size. Steady edges
Forward inside edges
1. Good control on edges
2. Nicely done
3. Steady edges. Good posture.
Backward outside edges
1. Edges ok, lobes round with T.D. (This T.D. - touchdown? - comment could actually belong to the BI)
2. Smooth
3. Good lobe size
Backward inside edges
1. Shaky, got better by last one. Reskate - Better
2. Nice reskate - a bit wobbly but good for this level
3. Keep working to stay off toes. Work on free leg placement for this.
1. Forward - Left ok, right stepping too high. Backward - Ok, smooth flow
2. Good flow, a bit tentative
3. Nice and quiet forwards. Also back. Good flow at this level. Good start with knee bend - keep working.
Waltz eight
1. Come back to center. Circles ok, but could be traced better
2. Mostly good edges. Wobbly/wild at times
3. Work on control after three turns and mohawks for higher tests.
1. Right - Barely high enough - free leg bent. Left - Better, free leg extension ok.
2. Right - weak. Left - very good.
3. Keep working on extension for higher testing. Edge was adequate. (But I was skating in a straight line on flats...?)
1. Pass
2. Pass
3. Pass
Yay!!! :)
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